Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rode home in the pouring rain last night. One of those rides you know is going to be unpleasant and then exceeds expectations. The clothing that had been perfectly adequate that morning for laboring into into the stiff southeast wind, was no match for the rain and wind together. I chose to ride conservatively on the wet pavement, so my heartrate never got high enough to keep me warm. As I got progressively colder, I reminded myself of TRULY unpleasant rides in the past. Rides that went on for hours with frozen gloves and needle-like sleet. Rides where I thought I might lose toes. Rides where I constantly had salty, filthy slush shooting into my face. Yesterday really was not that bad.

But I was still SO happy to get home, get into warm, dry clothes and wrap my numb hands around a mug of hot tea. And then dry off my poor bike.

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