Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wore my new Rudy cycling glasses for the first time this morning and they ROCK! They are so much better than my old cycling glasses. So lightweight and comfortable. I had my prescription put in with transitional lenses, so I can use them night and day. Yay.

My newly overhauled bike feels great, but my powertap wouldn't work this morning. I've really come to depend on it. The computer had a low battery, so I've replaced it and hope that will fix everything. If not, I've downloaded the manual and will try "computer setup 5". I'd really like to have the power data from tomorrow's Fitness Check TT. I strongly suspect my fabulous vacation took a toll on my fitness -- despite running every staircase I came across [which didn't annoy my in-laws too much, I hope] and walking for hours every day. But it was a good break and now I can start building more muscle and fitness.

I haven't been racing as much as last year. Partially it just hasn't worked out and partially I guess the cat 1-2-3 field has demoralized me a bit. I'm going to hit one of the ABR masters races this weekend and see if that lifts my spirits.


Val said...

You may need to re-find your hub. Do you have a wireless PT? To do that you hold down both buttons and let it cycle through "find" and "clear" and you'll get eDT 12345. I think the ID stuff is in "5", to get there you have to hit one of the buttons, I never remember which. I never fully read the instructions, I just figure out what to push by trial and error.

You may also want to change the battery in the hub.

Good luck with that and your racing this weekend!

Tamara Fraser said...

Thanks, Val -- I tried that first and it never connected to the hub to learn the ID. It just flashed 'LEARN' for a while and then defaulted to the ID already in there. I'm going to try changing the battery.

How was opening night? Lots of women?

Val said...

Opening night went really well (of course it could have been better). However this past Thursday we only had 3 cat 4 women and Debbie and I in the 1/2/3s (we raced with the men instead). :(

If you didn't know, this year we're giving away a Blue frame based on nights raced rather than placing. So the more you race, the more chance you have to win a frame. Spread the word!

I hope to see you soon! I was going to head out to Iowa but decided it's just too much money and time to spend this early in the season. I've instigated a rule that I won't travel more than an hour and a half for a crit. Kind of sucks since there are so many good races out there, but my pockets aren't deep enough to do all (or even a fraction) of them and then travel to the West Coast 4 times this summer. I think I'll do Sherman Park though. It's so close.