Monday, January 26, 2009

The real problem, for me, with the cold, is time.

When its warm enough, I ride my bike to the lakefront path before work, do my training, ending up at work where I can shower, etc. in the locker room. I don't have to spend an hour in traffic, so I can get up an hour or so later.

But when its cold and snowy and icy and I ride indoors, I have to account for that extra hour. I still have to be at work by 9 am no matter what the weather. This means I'm up before 5 am. And in two weeks, it means I'll be up before 4 am. Ugh.

The alternative is to sit on the trainer after work. Which, if I can't get to bed until after 10 pm, I do. But its tough on my legs to ride a couple hours in the evening and then a couple more early the next morning. And, you know, sometimes I have stuff to do in the evenings. See friends, spend time with Jackie. You know, have a life.

Maybe the weather isn't my real problem, maybe its having a job. Where's my million dollars?

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