Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Picture of me on the podium after winning at Sherman Park. Jeanette is the blonde next to me. Yes, I dyed my hair blue. I was bored the night before, I guess.

I've been sick. I think not getting enough sleep last week [plus stress, plus terrible, terrible news] tipped me over and I have had a really crappy cold. I didn't ride at all over the weekend, which sucked. I missed the memorial service and meeting for Pieter. Which also sucked. I feel very out of touch.

I rode this morning, and it was HARD to get up so early. But once I was on my bike, I felt great. My energy was good and I enjoyed my workout. I'm still a bit tired, but I'm going to get to bed early as I can tonight, ready to ride again tomorrow.

I'm racing on Saturday.

1 comment:

Gracie B. said...

1. Love the blue hair!

2. Good luck tomorrow!

3. Thought of you last sunday - I was at the farmer's market and this woman makes really nice custom rain/trench coats for riding on bikes. Of course - now I don't rmemeber where I put her card, but when I find it I'll send you the info. She had a magenta and orange one on display :)